Fun Facts


Henry Ford was a pioneer in the sustainable business realm, experimenting with soy-based materials and ethanol during the days of the model-T. The Ford Motor Company also shipped the Model A truck in crates that later became the vehicle’s floorboard upon reaching its destination.


In Korea, rice husks are used as a non-toxic packaging for stereo components and other electronics. The same material is later used to make bricks.

The Green Revolution

You Have The Power

Green business. It’s more than a good idea. It’s a practical and powerful way to help create a more just and environmentally sustainable economy. Let’s look at why you have the ultimate power in creating a healthy planet!

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Ethical Business

Sustainable business, or green business, is enterprise that has no negative impact on the global or local environment, community, society or economy - a business that strives to meet the triple bottom line. Often, sustainable businesses have progressive environmental and human rights policies.

A sustainable business is any organization that participates in environmentally friendly or green activities to ensure that all processes, products and manufacturing activities adequately address current environmental concerns while maintaining a profit. In other words, it is a business that, “meets the needs of the present world without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.”

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did You Know?

The term sustainable means longevity. This is important because our society is now dealing with the consequences of short term thinking; like use of fossil fuels and non sustainable energy consumption.

Did you know, double-sided printing can reduce your paper usage by up to 50 percent?

Did you know, double-sided printing can reduce your paper usage by up to 50 percent?

* You can save 25 to 50 percent on ink costs by purchasing reusable ink cartridges.

*A poll conducted by, a website for students, found that 92% would be more inclined to work for a company who was environmentally friendly.

*80 percent of young professionals would prefer a job that has a positive impact on the environment.

*In a survey conducted by the Carbon Trust, it was cited that 64% of the participants were more likely to use a business that claims to have a low carbon footprint.


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Everyone affects the sustainability of the marketplace and the planet in some way. Each time you purchase a product, large or small you invest into the company that manufactured that product. With a little research you can easily identify what companies are considering the health of the planet when they produce their products. As a consumer you have the power to endorse and financially support sustainable businesses who are displaying initiative to eliminate or decrease the impact made on the environment by harmful chemicals, materials, and waste generated by processes to manufacture products and services.

The impact of such human activities in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced can be measured in units of carbon dioxide and is referred to as the carbon footprint. When purchasing your next product try and investigate the carbon foot-print of the product and evaluate how sustainable or ‘green’, both the product and the manufacturer are.

Sustainable businesses also look at inputs to determine what products are harmful to the environment and try to find green alternatives that can function at the same or a better level and preferably, at a lower cost. A business’s green initiatives can include conserving materials through remanufacturing, converting harmful gases into clean energy, generating greener power, and improving fuel economy.


In a nutshell, you have the power to change the world for the better, so invest your time, money and energy into positive global solutions that support a healthy and happy future for all.

Fun Facts


Henry Ford was a pioneer in the sustainable business realm, experimenting with soy-based materials and ethanol during the days of the model-T. The Ford Motor Company also shipped the Model A truck in crates that later became the vehicle’s floorboard upon reaching its destination.


In Korea, rice husks are used as a non-toxic packaging for stereo components and other electronics. The same material is later used to make bricks.