Freedom Fighter

Name GF1 "Eddie" Social and Political Reporter

Research GF1 is our primary investigation unit into military capabilities and provides an insight and evaluation on political and economic structures.

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Space Ranger

Name GF3 "Ebi Gee Bee" Entertainment Reporter

Research An investigation into the realm of communications Space Ranger explores the world of social media, trends and entertainment.

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Name GF4 "Sparkles" Spirituality and Consciousness

Research Orion is an investigation departmentexploring the realms of Spirituality. Communications in the field of Multi Dimensions, parallel unverses and supreme consciousness will be explored.

In world cultures, there have traditionally been many different groupings of religious belief. In Indian culture, different religious philosophies were traditionally respected as academic differences in pursuit of the same truth. In Islam, the Quran mentions three different categories: Muslims, the People of the Book, and idol worshipers. Initially, Christians had a simple dichotomy of world beliefs: Christian civility versus foreign heresy or barbarity. In the 18th century, "heresy" was clarified to mean Judaism and Islam;[citation needed] along with paganism, this created a fourfold classification which spawned such works as John Toland's Nazarenus, or Jewish, Gentile, and Mahometan Christianity, which represented the three Abrahamic religions as different "nations" or sects within religion itself, the "true monotheism."


Name GF2 "Earl Grey" Earths Science Reporter

Research Analysis of meta physical planetary life, genetic make up, biological dependencies and species evolution.

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